Friday, March 25, 2011

Wardrobe Spring Cleaning

A cute picture ruined by disorganization.
Looks like it is finally Spring!  The coldest days of the year are hopefully behind for those in the western hemisphere.  Unfortunately the wind is really starting to aggravate my allergies.  I've been surviving on antihistamines and tissue.  That's besides the point though!  

Push up your sleeves and dive into it.  With the warmer months ahead its time to start preparing, good wardrobe spring cleaning is in order!

Being an out of  town students I usually bring an entire wardrobe suitable for most of the weather for the semester.  Since I live within close range to my parents I'm able to leave some clothing and exchange my winter and spring wear.  Dorms have limited closet and drawer so they need to be used as efficiently as possible.
I began by reorganizing my closet and drawers.  That means taking everything out and sorting through it.  It is less overwhelming to do either at a time rather than both.  I made sure to start with all clean clothing so that a full inventory could be taken.  Its amazing that you can forget what is inside the closet if it hasn't been organized in a while.
Mostly winter-wear
Sorted through the clothing and decide what to keep and what to toss. I usually donate usable clothes to Goodwill or try to resell them to Buffalo Exchange.  You could donate a shelter, thrift store, or organize a clothing swap.  If you are unsure about giving away something keep it for now.  A good tip I keep reading about is to hang all your hangers with the hook facing you, the clothes you wear the least will still be facing you.  If you don’t wear it you don’t need it.  I have yet to practice it.

Decide how you want to organize your closet and drawers.  Clothing can be arranged by color, type such as all t-shirts, or by outfit that you make with any combination of clothing.  I've chosen to arrange by clothing type, all my skirts, short sleeves, 3/4 sleeves, and long sleeves are each in their designated spot.   The same organization may be done for drawers.   I usually just throw all my underwear together, then my chill out clothing, and finally my jeans in separate drawers.
I totally forgot I owned this

Here are some general tips for organization. Do laundry regularly, its easier to remember what you own.   Lay items flat in drawers rather than folding, folding uses a lot of volume.  However, sweaters and heavy cardigans should be folded as hanging will cause them to loose their shape. 

When I out of closet and draw space make use of under my bed.  I use the luggage I brought it in but a container could be used.  I keep my more seasonal clothing under the bed. The clothing is easily accessible since New Mexico weather is unpredictable.

Snowpocalypse! was in the mid 60's a week later
With New York and Paris fashion weeks behind us, we were given a preview of the trends to come.  The runway was filled with bright neon colors, lace, florals, 60s and 70s style, mixing prints, and sheer layers.  Adding one or two items can update a whole wardrobe and might just be the excuse you need to go shopping.  After ridding your closet of clutter consider if there is anything you need or would like to add.

While it may seem time consuming (just the washing and the closet took me all day), an updated and well organized closet will cut down on the time spent getting ready especially when you are already late for class. Just like a garage and a house needs to clean out every season so does your wardrobe.  With spring awakening the flora allow it to breathe new life into your wardrobe.

